The Woodwards' Virtual Refrigerator Door

Featuring (mostly) artwork by Annie
and Trip Woodward.

The last significant update of this page was December 13, 2000, but most of the material is rather older than that.

Cute kid quotes
from Annie (in her book "Mammoth"):

Dr. Albright was 30 years old, and looking good for his age...

from Trip:

What month is the best for Mexican music?

* Annie's first book is entitled About Cats.

Here are some of Annie's early computer art efforts:

And here are a couple of Trip's:

(Trip spends most of his creative computer effort hiding system-critical files in obscure drawers and watching Daddy tear his hair out when the computer won't boot.)

All of the above were produced with Deluxe Paint IV for the Amiga, without parental assistance (and often without parental permission...). Click on any of them to see the full-sized version.

Carey couldn't resist putting up a piece he wrote explaining how Santa Claus does his stuff. Gotta get some use out of that physics degree...
And what's a refrigerator door without comics? One that doesn't get sued for copyright infringement, that's what. So here is a page of comics linked directly from the publishers.
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